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Showing posts from September, 2016

Tired, weak, pathetic, desperate Shakespeare Live! celebration

"Shakespeare Live!" from by Royal Shakespeare Company, April 23, 2016 By guest blogger  Catherine Hatinguais About two weeks ago, I went with friends to the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline, MA, one of several Boston cinema venues for Shakespeare plays: NT Live   Globe on Screen Garrick Theater All have telecast events there and worldwide. We wanted to see the re-broadcast of the joint BBC and  Royal Shakespeare Company  celebration entitled "Shakespeare Live!" which promised a feast: extracts from various plays as well as music, operas and ballets inspired by Shakespeare. The place was packed, largely but not exclusively, with grey heads. The performers -- actors, musicians and dancers -- were all good to excellent. With Miren, Dench, Suchet, Cumberbatch, McKellen, Fiennes, and more; how could it go wrong? the short scenes were alternatively funny and moving, but the hosts, David Tennant and Catherine Tate, were uninspired and as predictable ...