'Shakespeare' Revealed: The Collected Articles and Published Letters of J. Thomas Looney Collected and Introduced by James A. Warren (Veritas Publications, Feb. 9, 2019) "Shakespeare" Revealed: The Collected Articles and Published Letters of J. Thomas Looney Collected and Introduced by James A. Warren was released today under Warren's new imprint, Veritas Publications on Amazon's print-on-demand service, Kindle Direct Publishing (formerly Create Space). "Shakespeare" Revealed is a work of new scholarship covering the decades after the publication of Looney's "Shakespeare" Identified. Warren said: Although best known for “Shakespeare” Identified, the book in which he introduced, in 1920, the idea that Edward de Vere, 17 th Earl of Oxford, was the pen behind the pseudonym “William Shakespeare,” J. Thomas Looney also wrote dozens of shorter pieces—fifty-three, all told—on the Shakespeare authorship q...
a Michigan group dedicated to the study of the works of William Shakespeare with particular interest in the authorship question