Tom Hunter heard this story on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" program this morning and forwarded the information to Oberon membership:
Who wrote Shakespeare's plays? by correspondent Renee Montagne.
The broadcast is full of great information including a link to the full text of Mark Twain's 1909 publication, "Is Shakespeare Dead?" at the Electronic Text Center of the University of Virginia. The author quotes scholar Diana Price and provides a link to Chapter 1 of Price's book Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography published by Greenwood Publishing Group in 2000.
There are also links to related NPR stories. The Price chapter is housed on the site of Public Broadcasting System's site for its Frontline program on the authorship -- a Marlovian point-of-view titled, "Much Ado about Something" that aired in 2003. The transcript to this program may be downloaded free of charge from the PBS site.
A free transcript is also available of Frontline's 1989 broadcast of "The Shakespeare Mystery" -- an Oxfordian take on the authorship question that introduced Charlton Ogburn Jr's passionate advocacy of Oxford to many viewers almost 20 years ago.
This Shakespeare Mystery site hosted by PBS features updates, links, a reading list and more on the topic of authorship.
Who wrote Shakespeare's plays? by correspondent Renee Montagne.
The broadcast is full of great information including a link to the full text of Mark Twain's 1909 publication, "Is Shakespeare Dead?" at the Electronic Text Center of the University of Virginia. The author quotes scholar Diana Price and provides a link to Chapter 1 of Price's book Shakespeare's Unorthodox Biography published by Greenwood Publishing Group in 2000.
There are also links to related NPR stories. The Price chapter is housed on the site of Public Broadcasting System's site for its Frontline program on the authorship -- a Marlovian point-of-view titled, "Much Ado about Something" that aired in 2003. The transcript to this program may be downloaded free of charge from the PBS site.
A free transcript is also available of Frontline's 1989 broadcast of "The Shakespeare Mystery" -- an Oxfordian take on the authorship question that introduced Charlton Ogburn Jr's passionate advocacy of Oxford to many viewers almost 20 years ago.
This Shakespeare Mystery site hosted by PBS features updates, links, a reading list and more on the topic of authorship.