Cover of paperback edition of Kurt Kreiler's Der Mann der Shake-speare Erfand . . .
German correspondent Hanno Wember -- administrator of the German Shake-speare Today website, home of the Neue Shake-speare Gesellschaft (New Shakespeare Society) -- reports that Kurt Kreiler's Der Mann der Shake-speare Erfand: Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (The Man Who Invented Shakespeare: Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford) will be published in paperback. Wember said:
. . . Insel will bring Kreiler’s book as paperback (German: Taschenbuch), which is a further step and will help to bring it to a broader readership.
The German paperback edition of Der Mann . . . will be released April 18, 2011. Regarding an anticipated English translation of Kreiler's book, Wember said that things are not settled and he has no news to report.
Kreiler's book was covered extensively in the German press when it was released in hardcover by Insel Verlag in Sept. 2009. John Tanke's English translation of a review titled "Who Wrote Shakespeare's Dramas?" by Ekkehardt Krippendorf published in the Jan. 5, 2010 edition of the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung can be accessed on the Shakespeare Today website.