Dear Oberon,
Can it be? I am looking out the window and seeing the sun shining and feeling temperatures in the mid 70s, and it is only May. That means only six months of winter this year. I don't know how you feel about global warming, and I could be wrong, but this year it seemed as if Michigan was the new North Pole. Aren't you glad that we have Shakespeare to rely on all year long?
Speaking of which, be sure to attend our next meeting this coming Thursday, May 26, at 6:45 pm, Farmington Community Library, 32737 W. 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48334.
Featured on the agenda is Part 2 of our Merchant of Venice play and learn. We will be seeing the second third of the movie starring Al Pacino and then discussing what it tells us about the play, especially from an Oxfordian perspective.
Also, don't miss the update on our plans for Anonymous, the Roland Emmerich blockbuster film coming in September which makes the case for Oxford as Shakespeare as no other feature film has ever done.
And there is more! We will have our usual updates and reports on current Shakespeare doings as well as the great discussions we always have about topics and issues you bring to the meeting that are a surprise every time.
So don't forget. Thursday. 6:45. Farmington Library. See you then.
Tom Hunter
Oberon Chair