Walter Hurst of Louisburg College, SC, addressed the Oberon Shakespeare Study Group
at Bloomfield Township Public Library on June 26, 2015.
by Linda Theil
Walter and Maria Hurst of Louisburg, NC joined the Oberons for lunch at Beau's yesterday, on their way to the American Association of Community Theatre AACT Fest 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI, where Hurst was scheduled to speak today. After lunch, Hurst gave us a fascinating preview of his topic of "Surprise! Shakespeare Got Italy Right” at a special Oberon meeting at the Bloomfield Twp. Public Library.
Hurst holds a master of arts degree in Shakespeare authorship studies from Brunel University, London, England. He is director of drama and theatre studies at Louisburg College, director of the Louisburg College Norris Theatre, and member of the American Association of Community Theatre. Hurst gave his AACT Fest 2015 audience of actors, directors, producers, playwrights, and dramaturges a new tool for their Shakespearean workboxs -- a reality-based Shakespeare revealed in the work of Ernesto Grillo, Richard Paul Roe, Noemi Negri, and other experts on the topic of Shakespeare and Italy.
Hurst said:
Perhaps some of you will write, direct, play better when you know there’s a secret Italy hidden in the plays of William Shakespeare. It is exact; it is detailed; and it is brilliant. It is important for us to know that world is real and to make that reality a part of our acting and directing decisions.Oberons attending yesterday's special event were SOF vice-president and Oberon chair Richard Joyrich MD, Robert Stefanovich, Robin Browne, Rey Perez, Terri Shaw, Rosey Hunter, Linda Theil, Mara Radzvickas, and Sharon Hunter who joined us for lunch at Beau’s.
Honorary Oberons Maria and Wally Hurst at Beau's in Bloomfield Twp. MI June 26, 2015
Rosey Hunter and Richard Joyrich at Beau's in Bloomfield Twp. MI June 26, 2015
Mara Radzvickas and Rey Perez at Beau's in Bloomfield Twp. MI June 26, 2015
Robin Browne and Rob Stefanovich at Beau's in Bloomfield Twp. MI June 26, 2015
Thank you, Wally! Come back soon to Michigan!
Mark your calendar!
Hurst is scheduled to speak at the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship conference at Ashland OR on the topic "Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Its Authorship, The Question of Collaboration, and its Place in the Shakespearean Canon" on September 27, 2015. For more information about the conference see: "Mark Anderson will keynote Ashland conference" on the SOF website.
Note: A bibliography of Walter Hurst's Shakespeare and Italy presentation is available here. For more information about his presentation, contact Walter Hurst at <mailto:whurst>