by Linda Theil
Oberon: Could you tell some of the highlights of its content; both in terms of reader interest, and in terms of authorial satisfaction?
Oberon: Was there any part that you found particularly difficult to write?
Warren: Chapters 19 and 20 were the hardest to write because I wanted to limit them to a short snapshot of the current movement. Initially one chapter, I eventually had to divide it into two chapters, and they still kept growing because I didn't want to omit important contributions to the Oxfordian cause. Although I think I found the optimal length and level of detail, I know there will be people unhappy that their important work wasn't discussed in greater detail.
Oberon: Please tell us that there will be an e-version forthcoming.
Warren: I don't think the many text boxes and images will appear well in an e-version; I will revisit this subject in September.
Warren: I have another big book coming out in September, in the same format as Shakespeare Revolutionized, and almost as many pages. Titled Shakespeare Investigated, its a collection of the 330 pieces that the Shakespeare Fellowship published before launching its News-letter in January 1937:
- the SF column in The Hackney Spectator, 1922-1925 (124 pieces)
- the SF circulars sent to members, 1922-1935 (90+ pieces)
- the SF page in The Shakespeare Pictorial, 1929-1936 (100+ pieces)
In 1998 Roger Parisious wrote in The Elizabethan Review (vol. 6/2, Autumn 1998, p. 90), that "In the best interests of accurate Elizabethan scholarship, the entire run of inaccessible Shakespeare Fellowship proceedings (Hackney Spectator, 1922-1928, Shakespeare Pictorial, 1929-1937) should be assembled in one volume as quickly as possible."
Shakespeare Investigated will be followed by a third book almost as long containing 450 letters exchanged between early Oxfordians 1920-1945. These letters provide an even more up-to-the-minute detailing of Oxfordian discoveries as they occurred.
So, slowly but surely, with these three big books:
- Shakespeare Revolutionized -- examination of the effects of Shakespeare Identified over the past century (published July 2021)
- Shakespeare Investigated -- a collection of 330 pieces published by the Shakespeare Fellowship 1922-1936 (to be published in September 2021)
- Not yet titled -- a collection of 450 letters exchanged by Oxfordians 1920-1945 (to be published early in 2022)
Shakespeare Revolutionized: The First Hundred Years of J. Thomas Looney's Shakespeare Identified by James A. Warren
"Warren to publish centennial book in 2020" Oberon weblog Feb. 28, 2020
"Congratulations to SOF on March 4 2020 centennial celebration" Oberon weblog March 31, 2020
"SOF Symposium 2021: James Warren" Oberon weblog April 16, 2021