Hey, everybody! In all the excitement about the Wall Street Journal article about self-announced Oxfordian U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and our involvement with the Farmington Players (more later) and looking forward to the Interlochen Shakespeare Festival and Oberon Up North 2009, we can’t forget our Shakespeare UNbirthday party Thursday evening at our usual meeting place, Room A of the Farmington Library.
Come for a great PowerPoint presentation by Ron Destro about the authorship issue. And don’t forget a piece of that great UNbirthday cake, coffee, and good fellowship. We will toast Justice Stevens and the fact that the Shakespeare issue near and dear to our hearts is now front page news in one of the most read and authoritative newspapers in the country, the Wall Street Journal.
Bring a guest. Let us all enjoy Shakespeare’s UN-birthday together!
In a celebrating mood, I am
Tom Hunter
Your Oberon Chair