Yesterday, Oberon member Susan Nenadic reported this encounter in Ann Arbor: A woman who had taken my Shakespeare Authorship Controversy class came to the program I presented today and handed me a note indicating that the Petit Larousse from a 1965 biographical entry of Shakespeare calls into doubt the authorship by Stratford Will. I Wonder how many other foreign language sources do the same thing. Oberon member Rey Perez followed up with this information from the 2001 edition of Larouse : The online Larousse dictionary of literature, 2001 edition, in the entry “Shakespeare (William)” from its first sentence begins by expressing doubts about the traditional authorship, then continues with the bare facts about Shakespeare from Stratford . The key sentence is the second, that some have seen in him a pseudonym for others, such as Oxford . The French seem way ahead of the rest of us. Rey provided this link to the dictionary item on William Shakespeare: http://...
a Michigan group dedicated to the study of the works of William Shakespeare with particular interest in the authorship question