Title page: Is Shakespeare Dead: From My Autobiography by Mark Twain, 1909 by Linda Theil A major project involving creating a digital critical edition, fully annotated, of everything Mark Twain wrote should include at least the names of all the author's published works, but after twenty years of toil, The Mark Twain Project Online has no plans to even mention Is Shakespeare Dead? From My Autobiography by Mark Twain -- a book published by Harper & Brothers Publishing in 1909, a year before the author's demise. Oberon addressed this topic in a 2016 post titled "Mark Twain's benighted book" featuring background information about the Mark Twain Project Online and the absence of Is Shakespeare Dead? From My Autobiography from the project site. Nine years later, we still find no mention of Is Shakespeare Dead? From My Autobiography on the Mark Twain Project Onlline. When we queried the site regarding this omission, we received the following information from ...
Oberon members Linda Theil, Richard Joyrich, and Susan Grimes Gilbert meet in-real-life at the Good Sense Coffee Company in downtown Howell, Michigan on October 27, 2024. by Linda Theil Oberons had a real life encounter yesterday when Susan Grimes Gilbert visited from Texas and joined Richard Joyrich and me at the Good Sense Coffee Company in downtown Howell. The Oberons haven't met face-to-face since 2020 when Oberon switched to Zoom meetings during the pandemic. Although we have tried to resume local meetings, our hopes have not panned out, as our group becomes older and less mobile. Since we no longer collect dues, or hold events, we made plans yesterday to close out the Oberon bank account and donate the proceeds; and Richard as Oberon chair will carry out that duty for our group. Richard still hosts a monthly Zoom meeting usually at 2 p.m. on the second Saturday of the month, welcoming all who are interested. To contact Oberon, send email to oberonshakespea...