Dear Oberon,
Now that was a good old-fashioned Oberon meeting Thursday night. Great conversation. Great cookies from the Safety Director. A great video.
We welcomed prospective member Earl Mandell to the fold with returning new member Bruna Lilly. We saw the 30 minute DVD “The Implausible Mr. Shakespeare,” a raucous, pointed attack on the tradition that William of Stratford is the author of the works with plenty of examples of why that tradition just doesn’t make sense. It contains one of the best analyses of the goofy Droeshout engraving at the front of the First Folio which people have thought to represent Shakespeare’s appearance now for 400 years. The video provoked a lively discussion afterword.
We will probably be ordering printed copies of our Oberon Blog which just might become a kind of yearbook for us. Linda Theil has looked into it, and although we haven’t made a final decision yet, when we do, it appears that copies might be available for $40 to $70 dollars. More info later, but please let me know if you have an interest in a copy for yourself.
We also need indications of interest for the following:
Michigan Shakespeare Festival August 1 afternoon and evening,As You Like It and The Tempest. This is coming up fast, and we need to get the planning started.
The Globe Theater UMS production in October in Ann Arbor at the Power Center of Love’s Labours Lost. We can get a group discount with ten or more. We already have indications of interest from eight of us. Please e-mail me back because the reservations need to be made in a couple of weeks. Most probable performance: Sunday matinee October 25. The Sunday performance has a 20% group discount on tickets costing from $30 to $60.
A two day stay at Stratford probably in August or September, depending on the scheduling, to see as many Shakespeare and/or other plays as we can cram in for the time we are there. This year, Ben Jonson’s Bartholemew Fair will be playing. I’m looking forward to that one. Let me know if you have an interest in finding out more.
Oberon Up North is already upon us. It will take place next week. Centerpieces are the annual campus tour with our friend Gord and on Friday evening the Interlochen Shakespeare Festival production of The Taming of the Shrew. After meeting on Saturday, we will be treated to a mystery tour. Look for a report soon after.
Tom Hunter
Oberon Chair