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Tom Hunter announces agenda for Nov. 18 meeting

Dear Oberon,

For the first time ever (and maybe the last) an agenda for the upcoming Oberon meeting this Wednesday, Nov. 18, is included below. Just scroll down. This whole project is dedicated to Sue.

Here is inside information about what we will be covering Wednesday evening 7 p.m. at our usual room at the Farmington Hills library on 12 Mile Rd. between Farmington Rd. and Orchard Lake Rd.

It will be a packed and fast moving meeting which will include a special welcome to Robert Duha,  managing director of the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, who will announce a special place Oberon will have in plans for the 2010 MSF season.

We will conclude our celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s sonnets with a look into their personal nature by Tom Townsend and some perhaps surprising connections to Edward de Vere by yours truly.

We will also hear from our intrepid travelers back from the Houston Shakespeare Oxford Society/ Shakespeare Fellowship conference with news of the highlights and, if we are lucky, high jinks, you know the kind of craziness that breaks out when a bunch of Oxfordians get together.

And more. Much more, including a message from Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.

And the lemon cookies!  Don’t forget the lemon cookies. They’re a surprise.

Your chairperson,
Tom Hunter

11/18/09 AGENDA

7:00     Welcome remarks: Tom H
            Special welcome to Robert Duha and lemon cookies
            ANYONE KNOW how to do conference meeting, e.g. so Robert
            can “attend”?  Richard—need cell phone with speakerphone
            Also welcome home to Linda, Richard, Tom T. and Ron
            from Houston conference two weeks ago

            Tonight we will conclude our celebration of the 400th
            anniversary of Shakespeare’s sonnets which we began last
            meeting with the conclusion of Tom Townsend’s presentation
            and a hopefully brief presentation by me

Treasurer’s report : Tom T

Robert Duha has offered us two spots at next year’s Michigan Shakespeare Festival
            New director named yet?
            News we should know?

UMS LLL mixed reviews from our group
Actor sat behind us on someone’s lap and took Rosey’s copy of LLL to follow along the dialogue; make LLL notes available

Upcoming Shakespeare:  MND at the Hilberry
Appearance of first issue of Brief Chronicles
            An excellent one, articles by Nina Green, Peter Moore, Robert Detobel et al,
            with a book review by me
Oberon in somerset collection
Booking the blog: Linda
            soft cover 30 each, min 10 copies is 27 each hard cover c42
            order 4 copies:  Oberon, Tom, Robin, Richard

Blog traffic: Linda

Letter from Justice Stevens

Sonnets concluded
            Tom Townsend—depression and sadness, personal nature of sonnets
            Tom Hunter—some possible Oxfordian connections
 Houston conference – report next meeting Nov. 18
            Linda, Ron, Richard, Tom T.: What impressed you the most/was the most important thing that happened at the conference or came out of it?

Any news from the national? Richard

Oxfordian Show and Tell?
How to use Declaration of Reasonable Doubt in Oberon activities?  Did nothing w/ it at LLL

Next regular meeting: Jan  20, 2010 (6:45 p.m. Farmington Hills Community Library)
Schedule through June 2010:Feb 17, Mar 17, Apr 21, May 19, June 16


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