Oberons are saddened by the loss of our fellow Oberon, Mara Radzvickas. Mara was a beautiful, brilliant, and delightful friend; we will not know her like again. A funeral mass will be held May 26, 2023 at St. Regis Church in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Fellow Oberon member Tom Townsend remembers Mara here.
by Tom Townsend
Our wonderful friend, Marilyn “Mara” Radzvickas, passed away April 14, 2023. She was a dynamic and energetic woman all her life.
Mara came to work in the Detroit area from Chicago. She loved her work at the agency: She was the Associated Director of Consumer Insights for a large advertising agency. Mara was loved by all her work associates, clients, and suppliers. In fact, there were few, if any, who were ‘simply neutral’ about Mara. As her friend, I enjoyed working with Mara. We both worked in an agency research department where we had a great working relationship and were highly productive.
Mara read constantly on a wealth of topics. We frequently spoke of our different interests as well as many shared interests. Over several months, I exptressed my interest in the Shakespeare authorship discussion. Mara asked questions about and then became interested in the topic. When I told Mara I would be making a presentation at our local Oberon Shakespeare Study Group meeting, Mara became more intrigued and asked to attend my presentation.
After this presentation Mara became convinced; she became a member of the Oberon Shakespeare Authorship Group, attended many meetings, became a great friend of all the Oberon members, and attended many lively get-togethers at a local restaurants and member homes.
Mara was also a member of the Theosophical Society and Point of Vision. She loved traveling with her friend, Kate, to many destinations including Ireland and Poland. I always enjoyed hearing about her adventures.
We will always remember our great, insightful, and enthusiastic friend Mara Radzvickas.